Island Updates: Winter on Bimini by Niketa
Hello Beloved Pod!
I’m experiencing my first off-season winter on Bimini and recognizing that I will most likely be here for the next few months… as so-called “plans” for travel and life in general evaporate and morph into new situations and circumstances, we surf the pandemic waves… so here we go!
Getting settled in, letting go and surrendering into the rhythm of “being here”… what a gift it is- and also sometimes challenging.
It feels good to stay connected with everyone and doing updates from the island from time to time seems like a fun idea, so let’s see…
The Pelicans are Back!
I just love pelicans and didn’t really know that they came to Bimini until I started coming here earlier and later in the season. They start arriving in November then with larger numbers I’m noticing in December.
Watch a brief YouTube video about Pelicans with some good basic info if you’re interested.
There was a small group fishing just off the dock this morning – morning showers and a large school of Pilchers below them.

I looked up the Spirit Totem words for Pelican and wanted to share them:
Forgiveness | Cooperation | Release | Adaptability
Good to remember and embody in these times for sure!
Meanwhile, the garden is thriving and I’m enjoying growing herbs and papaya trees along the side of the main house. We may be picking papayas from the second floor next season at the rate they’re growing!
Jordan, our neighborhood friendly feline who joined the team this season is doing a mighty fine job of keeping the rodent population down and me company. I may write a little something about him and share it in future posts….
Sending love from Bimini to our pod family around the globe!