Living a passionate life

Retreat May 19-25 2019

If you’ve been looking for more meaning and passion in your life, and you desperately want to find more clarity on your direction, and create a roadmap to propel you into your desired future destination, this is the retreat for you!

Kathleen Livingston and Allyn Evans are two powerhouses of transformation, and between them they’ve pulled together a wealth of tools and resources to enable you to get the most out of your dolphin swim experience and take the leap into your desired future. 

Allyn Evans is a residential trainer for The Monroe Institute – the world’s leading residential educational center for exploring expanded states of consciousness. 

Allyn says: “This will be my ninth year and I simply can’t wait. If swimming with dolphins isn’t enough to get you here, then maybe knowing that once you leave our week you’ll not only have swum up close and personal with wild dolphins, but you’ll have a roadmap to help propel you to your desired future destination.

“We provide each participant with an iPod fully loaded with meditations – specifically, Hemi-Sync which is binaural beats – to support the transformation you’ll experience during your week. You get to keep it all week and will learn how you can incorporate this inexpensive technology into your daily practice to facilitate positive change in your life.

“What I love about this trip … the place, the crew, the company, the island people, the food, the clear blue water, the dolphins, the snorkelling … To me it truly is heaven on earth.

Guests on the boat

“This is one of those experiences I want everyone on the planet to do at least once. I feel most fortunate.”

Kathleen Livingston is a transformational coach, business consultant, yoga teacher and reiki master.

Kathleen says: “I am one of over a thousand trained facilitators from around the world who teaches the Passion Test Workshop.  The workshop is based on the book, “The Passion Test” by Janet and Chris Attwood. About 12 years ago I attended a Passion Test workshop by Janet and one of my top passions was swimming with the dolphins in the wild. Another one of my passions was helping others.  At the end of the session Janet spoke about becoming a facilitator and that is when the light bulb turned on!  Maybe I can teach others how to live their passions while also swimming with the dolphins!  Not too long after that I met Allyn, who was facilitating a WildQuest retreat with the hemi-sync technology, and we thought what a great way to magnify the workshop! That is how our Passion Pod retreats came together for ‘Living a Passionate Life’.

“This retreat is suited for anyone who wants to live a passionate life!  There’s no need to worry about what your passion is before the retreat as that is what you will discover or re-discover during the week.  Others may know their passions but are not living them.  This retreat will provide the tools to begin living those passions immediately.

“I discovered WildQuest after attending my first workshop at the Monroe Institute and received a notification that they were doing their first workshop with WildQuest.  That was over 10 years ago and have been coming back every year since! Since that first workshop I continue to live my passions swimming with dolphins and sharing that experience with others to live their life to the fullest.

“The entire experience with WildQuest is like no other experience.  Truly a trip of a lifetime.”

Kathleen and Allyn are running their Living a Passionate Life retreat 19 – 25 May 2019 – there are still a few places left if you’re feeling called!

To learn more about what Kathleen offers, visit 

To know more about Allyn, visit Allyn welcomes hearing from you. 

To learn more about Hemi-Sync, visit:

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