New adventures for Sandy
We wanted to share this update with you as we know many of you know and love our beloved dog Sandy, enjoying many special moments with her at WildQuest. It’s time for a new adventure as she leaves Bimini to move to her new home in the States. Words shared by Amlas.
Sandy and her sister Bella were born on the beach opposite WildQuest. They played on the beach and were quite shy.
One day, about five years ago, in September the two dogs appeared at our gate and stayed there. I told them they cannot stay here because we leave during the winter. They stayed and stayed by the gate until I couldn’t resist anymore and they came in… It was near the end of the season so we didn’t know what to do with them as we were leaving soon. When we left we asked our friend Miss Dell to come and feed them every day, which we’re so grateful that she did. So we knew at least they would have food – even though they would still be feral to some degree.
When we came back next Spring only Sandy was there. We heard from the locals that someone had adopted Bella and taken her on their boat to the States. We’d had dogs before at WildQuest – and they’d always been adopted before the end of the season by one of our crew or one of our participants. But Sandy seemed different and an island dog. So we started to have someone come in the winter to take care of the place and also Sandy. Our friend Kim was the one who did this most often and she fell in love with Sandy, coming back winter after winter to help take care of her.
Sandy slowly infiltrated into our heart and home! First, she was not allowed inside and then she started to sneak into the meditation room when we were all in there, or our group sharing circles and lie down hidden behind the big plant. One winter she managed to come inside to sleep and then that was it. She’d found her home.
She loved coming on DolphinQuest at the beginning or end of the season when we went out with just the crew. She would jump in the water with no fear, with the dolphins and us – and she’d talk to the dolphins from the bow of the boat, ears all up and forehead scrunched. She also liked to come out on our small boat Sunshine with Atmo. Many many happy times together.
Over the last few years, Sandy has struggled with her health, especially with her mobility, and we’ve been doing everything we can to support her with medication and exercise. This winter has been particularly tough for Sandy as she struggled more with mobility. We realise she needs more medical attention, as the vet only comes twice a year at most to Bimini.
Our wonderful friend Kim, who’s been here taking care of her, has offered to adopt her and take Sandy to live with her in the States where she can receive the medical care she needs. And so, with a sad but grateful heart, we’re waving Sandy off to the next part of her adventures. In her new home she’ll be exploring nature trails with Kim and will still have plenty of trips to the beach to run on the sand and swim in the ocean.
Thank you Kim and thank you Sandy for all the adventures at WildQuest. We’ll miss you dearly…!