Snorkeling 101

If you’re coming to WildQuest, the comfier you are with breathing gently and clearing your snorkel, the more beautiful your time will be.

You don’t have to be a good swimmer to enjoy WildQuest, but whatever helps you relax in the water will make the time even more special.

Here are some tips you can follow BEFORE you come that you can try out in your local pool. Practice and you’ll build up confidence and you’ll find snorkeling with a mask and fins, easy and relaxing.

Watch this great little video from US Divers, Snorkeling 101, that covers the basics. Practice these simple tips until it’s second nature. You’ll be so grateful when you meet the dolphins. 

To get some more advanced tips from freedivers here’s the top five tips they use to hold your breath for longer. Meet Adam Stern, Australia’s free-diving champ. He’s full-on enthusiastic and you’ll learn so much. Then practice.

The top tip?  RELAX. 

Enjoy practising and we’ll see you soon.

Snorkeling Bimini

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