Deep diving into change

As I sit in this loud and overwhelming airport on my way home from Bimini, I reflect upon my time this year at WildQuest, the journey that I keep close to my heart, and the pure love and light [...]

Dolphins, breathing, floating & healing

Chhaya’s Story Chhaya has been visiting WildQuest every year for the last 12 years, and most seasons she stays for several weeks at a time, that’s a LOT of dolphin swimming. Needless to say [...]

WildQuest Snorkeling 101

A Beginner’s guide to Snorkeling (with dolphins!) Are you a first-time or beginner snorkeler? It’s perfectly normal to feel a little nervous when trying anything new, and maybe more so when it [...]

Spring Travelers

Over the dark and stormy winter, I was in contact with many beloved “WildQuest-ers” as our hearts squinted toward the horizon of Spring. With Equinox’s passing, our conversations revolved around [...]

Bimini Blue

Poem written by April Borisewitz, WildQuest guest, June 2019 Here we are in the crystal blueRays of light filter throughDancing in the Sea of lifeRefracting patterns covering the ocean [...]

Bimini Miracles & Grace

by Linda Shay, Dolphin Ambassador and Retreat Leader Let me paint a bit of a picture of the weeks and days leading up to our July 26 – August 1, Unity-Community Wild Dolphin Bimini [...]

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