One of the questions we get asked a lot is this: “Are wild dolphins safe to swim with?” We can of course only share from our own experiences here in Bimini, The Bahamas, with the wild [...]
WildQuest friend and retreat facilitator Allison Stillman led a beautiful retreat with us this summer. Read her experiences of discovering WildQuest for the first time and connecting with the [...]
It all started with the most stunning flight I ever took. Being in this small plane with nothing but the sky above and the sea under me I felt free and excited. It was a small adventure itself [...]
The first time I dropped gracefully into the gentle blue-green Bahamian waters from WildQuest’s beautiful catamaran named DolphinQuest, surprising warmth greeted and enveloped me like a childhood [...]
“If you are lucky, you will discover an incredible place that changes your life forever. Bimini WildQuest IS that sacred, power vortex and what occurred in myself was life-changing. I had [...]