Deep diving into change

As I sit in this loud and overwhelming airport on my way home from Bimini, I reflect upon my time this year at WildQuest, the journey that I keep close to my heart, and the pure love and light [...]

Dolphins, breathing, floating & healing

Chhaya’s Story Chhaya has been visiting WildQuest every year for the last 12 years, and most seasons she stays for several weeks at a time, that’s a LOT of dolphin swimming. Needless to say [...]

WildQuest Snorkeling 101

A Beginner’s guide to Snorkeling (with dolphins!) Are you a first-time or beginner snorkeler? It’s perfectly normal to feel a little nervous when trying anything new, and maybe more so when it [...]

Denise’s Healing Journey

I have needed to heal a lot of things in my life… and I’ve been working at it hard for a long time. Therapy, yoga, meditation, journeying, reading, soul retrieval… and it did a [...]

The Wisdom of the Dolphins

I came home from the WildQuest dolphin retreat living through my heart. I saw my thoughts pass through my heart and then out my mouth. My body felt light and my mind at ease. The [...]

Are wild dolphins safe to swim with?

One of the questions we get asked a lot is this:  “Are wild dolphins safe to swim with?” We can of course only share from our own experiences here in Bimini, The Bahamas, with the wild [...]